Michał Nowicki
dr inż.
About me
Michał Nowicki PhD
University position: Assistant Professor in the group of research and teaching staff
Faculty and University roles:
• Member of the Faculty Recruitment Committee
• Member of the Management and Production Engineering Study Programme Council
• Departmental Coordinator for student internships
• Departmental Coordinator of the Diamentowa, Bursztynowa i Szmaragdowa Practice Program
External roles:
• Member of the Polish Economic Society, Łódź Branch
• Reviewer for the MDPI publishing house oraz IDEAS SPREAD Publisher (Journal of Economics and Management Sciences)
• Member of the research team "OPI 4.0 - Organizational Problems of Industry 4.0"
Obszary tematyczne dla promowania prac dyplomowych
1. Kształtowanie konkurencyjności podmiotów gospodarczych (szczególnie) MSP
2. Industry 4.0 - rewolucja w przemyśle i towarzyszące jej wyzwania, szanse, zagrożenia, bariery, korzyści, ...
3. Przedsiębiorczość i podejmowanie działalności gospodarczej
4. Funkcjonowanie i specyfika branży rozrywki elektronicznej
5. Co-creation, Crowdfunding, Crowdsourcing, czyli nowe trendy w zarządzaniu i prowadzeniu działalności biznesowej
Thematic areas for promoting diploma theses
1. Shaping the competitiveness of business entities (especially MSP)
2. Industry 4.0 - a revolution in industry and accompanying challenges, opportunities, threats, barriers, benefits, ...
3. Entrepreneurship and business start-ups
4. Operation and specificity of the electronic entertainment industry
5. Co-creation, Crowdfunding, Crowdsourcing, i.e. new trends in management and business operations